About Us
Coast Consulting provides accounting and management consulting services to small businesses. We specialise in budgeting, cash flow management and costing, taking on the role of “Financial Controller” for businesses too small to have a full time accountant.
This role usually involves assisting directors to create a budget and then monitoring performance in a monthly meeting either in person or online. Work may also include assisting with calculating margins, working out hourly rates and other costing work as well as being a sounding board to assist with business decision making.
We do not do any tax or audit work, and work in concert with your existing accountant. In fact, most of our clients are referred by their accountants who can see the need for someone with specialist costing and management accounting skills to help your business.
Based on the Central Coast, we serve a wide range of industries but particularly manufacturing, engineering and construction. Clients do not have to be on the Central Coast and we have several clients that we assist entirely remotely with online meetings and remote access to accounting records. Contact us to see if you meet our criteria to be accepted as a client.
Our principal consultant, John Dosanjh, qualified as a Chartered Accountant more than 20 years ago and since leaving practice has spent most of his working life in businesses large and small. This leads to a hands-on approach and a focus on daily business decision making.